Let the journey begin…

If you find yourself here, it probably means you are ready for change. And I could not be more delighted that you have stopped by.

Hello, my name is Victoria Lorient-Faibish. I am a legacy professional with over a quarter of a century in experience. As a Registered Psychotherapist with a master’s degree and over 8 years of education in eastern based modalities, I guide adult individuals, couples, and companies as they become the heroes of their lives and organizations. 

In addition to my traditional psychotherapy training, I have over 8 years of training in eastern philosophy body-centred modalities including Polarity Therapy, Reiki, New Decision Therapy and Craniosacral. I have created a unique blend of traditional talk therapy and eastern based modalities that work with the mind, the body and the soul.  I call it Holistic Psychotherapy.

I use neural science as well as quantum physics to powerfully affect permanent and long-lasting change in an adult individual, couple or company.

My passions include writing and speaking. I am the author of 2 game changing books AND I am a mind blowing and entertaining Keynote Speaker that uses comedy, knowledge and compassion to facilitate the disruption of multi-generational patterns that compromise  success and harmony. 

As you make your way through these pages, you will find free content including articles, videos, guided meditation as well as tools that you can take home like my books and courses so you can work on yourself in your own time frame. Enjoy and I look forward to connecting soon! 

Featured Links

Be Who You Needed: The caring adult's guide to helping young people transform their emotional well-being, self-confidence, & happiness

Finding Your Authentic Inner Voice - Massenergy

Wake up call | Finding Your Bliss

Finding Your Self-Culture

Vitality Magazine | Winter Issue 2022 On Page 22 my article on tips to overcome anxiety

From Trauma To Tiumph! My new book Colab! Pre Order

Finding Your Bliss Interview on Zoomer Radio!

Get Connected:






Find Your "Self-Culture"

Moving from Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance.

The Keys to a Long TermPassionate Marriage

Creating the ultimate long term passionate relationships It’s not magic…
but when you work on it, it can feel like it!

Boundaries! We Teach People How to Treat Us

If you frequently feel angry, frustrated, resentful, guilty, taken advantage of,
pushed or rebellious in relationships.

Procrastination – 7 Hacks to beat it!

Yes it is a habit. It is not bad luck, it is not poor planning. It is a habit!

Free Resources! 


Here are some free resources for you to use, enjoy and evolve! 

Free inspiring video content

So much content! Start watching now! 

New short motivational, educational videos! 

Stop dimming your light! 

Rewire your brain! 

Healthy dating, marriage, friendships, life!!

Lucky You…I’ve Got The Real Deal of Life

If you grew up like me learning that if you do good you will get rewarded or if you do bad you will get punished you’re actually not accurate as to how life goes or how the universe is in actuality. Think about it….. If that were the case then all the good people would be rich and healthy and all the bad people would be poor and sick. Look around..m that’s not what is happening! What is actually happening in our universe is we live in a What you focus on expands Universe. So what are you focusing on? Are you constantly in fear mode? Constantly worried? Constantly focused on negative outcomes or assuming negative intent? Start to get really clear on what you’re focusing on so that you can change your thinking abd start it bring toward yourself what you actually do want. Then you can stop indulging the false narrative that says if I’m good I’m rewarded or if I’m bad I’m punished. #FalseNarratives #focus #Realtalk #theuniversehasyourback

Brand New Book! 

From Trauma to Triumph: Real life stories from 12 powerful women to help you overcome your history and thrive (Heal Yourself First)

We all experience trauma sooner or later. It can be small, repeated events or life-changing in-your-face events. Sometimes it is visible and people can empathize, but so often it is hidden away and we feel all alone and overwhelmed.

A lot of our childhood trauma is ignored, normalized, or wiped from our memory. It does not mean it did not happen, nor does it mean we were unaffected. Every trauma, whether we were still small or whether it happened in our adult years, leaves an impact on us. It is our solemn duty to ourselves to become free from what directs our lives with invisible strings, and to empower ourselves by being fully aware of our own part to play in transforming our challenges into stepping stones that will take us towards thriving.

Some of us are more resilient, seemingly getting through trauma more easily than others. That is not how it really is. It is just that some of us have learned better tools with which to navigate this unpredictable world we live in.

This book is your doorway to finding support, getting to know others who have been through the same experiences as you, and starting to use the tools and insights that moved our authors to new outlooks and abilities.

Use this book together with the free worksheet provided, and 12 bonus in-depth conversations with the authors for maximum benefit.

Finally! Victoria’s 1st best selling, ground breaking book is available as an Audio Book!

Now you can listen while driving, cooking or whenever you like!

In addition to the book you get extras, exercises and meditations to rewire your brain so you can finally step into your “Self-Culture” while you holistically overcome depression and anxiety.

What does it mean to actually find your “Self-Culture”?

If you have not yet found your self-culture—your authentic, instinctive self—you are not living the life the universe intends for you. The planet needs the real you, and it is time that you began the journey! The pursuit of self-culture is a hard one for many of us, and I have unlimited compassion for those who embark on this path.

What is your inner voice saying? What makes your heart happy? What brings you joy? Who is your real self? What path are you on? And what do you want out of your life? You need to know the answers to these questions to live your life in the best way you can. The quest for your self-culture is not a narcissistic, futile, self-indulgent pursuit. It is vital to your well-being.

Victoria’s 2nd book! Connecting: Rewire Your Relationship-Culture (Manor House Publishing) Do it! Heal multigenerational relationship dysfunction.

Renown author and TV personality, Dini Petty wrote the forward to the book and says:

“This book would have made my journey shorter and easier. It will guide you through your family matrix, into dating in the modern world, how to spot relationship dysfunction from the start and finally lead you into healthy relationships and enduring marriages.”


Together we work to facilitate you finding your authentic inner voice.

Holistic Psychotherapy

Holistic Psychotherapy

As a relationship expert,​ the work I do with either individual​s or couples​ is an elegant mixture of traditional talk therapy combined with different holistic eastern based modalities to achieve balance, wholeness and transformation. ​Together we will bring forth your “Self-Culture”, heal your “Relationship-Culture” and neutralize any dysfunction in your “Family-Culture”.

Talks & Seminars

Talks & Seminars

So delighted to be able to bring my knowledge and expertise as a keynote speaking to your event or conference. I love engaging audiences with my style of communication which includes comedy, compassion and getting right to the heart of the matter!

Online Courses

Online Courses

What a miracle technology is! From the comfort of your own home you can access all of my course material! With a click of your mouse, you can jump into the land of inner transformation, relationship healing, self empowerment and so much more!

Books & CD

Books & CD

My books and CD set are resources for you to deepen your knowledge and support you as you change your patterns, habits and neural pathways both in your personal life and in your relationships. Keep them close at hand so you can stay true to your commitment to living your best life in all possible ways!

Latest Videos

Check out Victoria’s YouTube Channel (Courageous Conversations) with all her videos including some of her talks and interviews here!

Latest Articles

Check out Victoria’s articles with all the all videos of some of her talks and interviews here!

Love is Like Learning a Language

Love is Like Learning a Language

Love is Like Learning a Language As we head into the crazed Valentine's Day madness we need to care for our tender hearts!  What I am most interested in talking about during this time is how did you learn to love... from family-culture. If all you saw was dysfunction,...

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Despair Leads To Repair

Despair Leads To Repair

Despair Leads To Repair Are you ready to be teachable? I find that life has way of sending us massive challenges that can lead us to feeling a sense of despair.  Yet as painful as these challenges can be, they can also lead us to the greatest insights, growth and...

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January Courageous Conversations

January Courageous Conversations

A COURAGEOUS NEW YEAR IS HERE! Oh wow! 2019 is the year of the pig and a number 3 year!Which means we will be bringing in lots of juicy abundance and we are encouraged to collaborate and be creative. That means we need to be courageous in our dealings with our own...

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News Flash! The Past is Over! 

News Flash! The Past is Over! 

Oh man.. that past sure has a way of trying to ruin our present.. right?  Wrong! It is our perceptions and our profound fears of the unknown that keep us circling around the same old thoughts memories, patterns and ways of being. We feel a visceral attachment to that...

Stop looking at yourself through other people’s eyes.

Stop looking at yourself through other people’s eyes.

"The Commodities on Offer: They Said I Could Not Get Pregnant" This speaking competition took me to the edge and BACK! The fear of laying it all out there is something to be experienced. But I wanted my audience to come through as I did on this major #fertility trek...

Heal Your Inner Hurt Child

With this Powerful Visual Journey Meditation.

Finding your lost inner child is the key to transformation and healing at a core level.

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