Your need to protect from the pain of disappointment, by feeding the DOUBT thoughts, will sabotage the process of manifesting what you desire.
You do not have control over outcomes BUT you do have control over what you focus on.
If you listen to doubt, you will cut off any chance of your desire coming to fruition!
When you are manifesting, it is crucial that you VISUALIZE in great detail, affirm AND stay the course in FOCUS AND FAITH. The outcome is up for grabs but you make it more likely to come true if you STICK WITH IT AND DON’T GIVE INTO DOUBT.
“Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely. We cannot create a new future, by holding on to the emotions of the past. You can change your brain just by thinking differently.” – Joe Dispenza
(A neuroscientist who helps million of people around the world to find the inner power of self healing.)