Loved the music all over town,
the “Toronto the Good”vibe that seemed to permeate the city, the good weather and even the wild and crazy summer storms!This summer was super productive for me I have been diligently working on my new book!I am so pleased to say that I am well into my 2nd draft of this book that I am so passionate about! Love it!
Can’t wait to share it with it you!With this book you will learn how to:
Rewire Your Relationship-Culture!
Whether you are Dating, in need of a Pre-Marital check list or tools for your Long Term Passionate Marriage… this book will be for you!
Also there are some cool new projects afoot that I cannot talk about yet… but it will be about helping folks on a larger scale! Keep you posted as I am able to!
Transitions are sometimes not easy for people.
As a therapist over the past 20 plus years, the end of August is a very important time for many.
Some people feel invigorated and excited about the “Back-to-school” feeling that is in air
But for others this is a majorly triggering time that if not dealt with properly, can send folks into a dark mood, even a depression.
Tips to prepare for the next months:
As we go into shorter days, please bump up your Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D and Fish Oils since evidence shows these do a great job of
helping to prevent
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Consider getting a Light Box.
Get into a work out routine.
Say nice things to yourself!
Here are some simple affirmations to help you on your journey:
All is Well.
I am Safe.
I am valuable.
I trust in the process of life.
Be well and be good to yourself as you enter into the new season!
Love and light,
Review my book!
Find Your “Self-Culture”: Moving From Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance
For the folks who have read my book, why not stop by Amazon.ca and drop me a review and/or at Amazon.com and drop me a review .
I’d appreciate your contribution. It would be great to hear from you!
And if you haven’t picked up my book yet, now would be a great time! You can grab a copy on Amazon with a quick click here or on my website here!
![](https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/C5qdNwz-cf-3KJn0eSQXvztcHY9P8O2uzOWwqEPfglWhQOseYOHsB5P4dJAB2S0rMbV0Qmcv-aEHi8gN6gRSar9zO7eqzUA9kR7Uejt1vc0vJxqfL_33iAbktKAvdwzjtzg8XjzjzuDwUR9QYWxCahMR53XIxgF00uOSdNI=s0-d-e1-ft#https://gallery.mailchimp.com/c490f496a42b257cd7a198c94/images/7dd42ebf-0790-46db-a47f-81c6846d286f.png) |
This is my transformational book!
So excited to share that my book, Find Your “Self-Culture” is now available as an eBook as well as paper back!
![](https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/B5JqMVO-A_eBVKcE2P4OHF5r5LSPnl2RcSdHNmbnj7ZveBK6oYw3kAVFmRKQgK31biqrXkukQ3Gzc9_nWNYkzd2c24lXNy01W9UdisTSPrhi6frCjm-n5y3ADmTdAeveVz8pBDnIThXgTFnWmdbtfsVLi5j2PbZx0gMysfM=s0-d-e1-ft#https://gallery.mailchimp.com/c38015e83fdaad2953133be60/images/4e002bc2-11e9-4988-b94d-bc6b23e0b382.jpg) |
Start meditating with my
Double Meditation CD Set!
Heal the Hurt Child
Manifest Your Heart’s Desire
Balance Your Chakras
Sending everyone love and light vibrations!
Blessings, ease
and overflowing joy to all!