This is such a transformational time of the year. I invite you to embrace the wonders of spring!
I also wanted to share with you the lovely Exuma, Bahamas beach we were fortunate enough to be able to visit as a celebration for my 50th this past week!
Wow is all I can say. Such a blessing! Very Grateful!
Nice to be able to come back to milder weather here in Toronto as well.
My New book!!
This April is a special one for me as I will begin writing my new book about all things Relationship and “Relationship Culture”. It will be book number two for me and I am so looking forward to sharing with you, all the knowledge, tools and tips that I work with in my office daily with my amazing clients as they navigate their way through the maze, the growth and challenges of being in a relationship.
The book will cover such topics as dating in the modern world, a fantastic pre- marital check list I give my clients, the foundational keys to a long term passionate marriage and of course I would be remiss if I did not include information on how to navigate divorce in a healthy way!
I will keep you posted.
Next week I sign with my new publisher… Woot Woot!!
Be a good farmer and plant good seeds!
April is an amazing time for you to focus on planting new seeds on every level including physical, emotional and spiritual.
Start to visualize how you want to feel for the rest of the year. Really see yourself in a state of joy and ease as you make your way through the year. Practice seeing this in the quiet of your mind every day for 5 minutes.
Start a consistent work-out program. Do it with a friend or a trainer to stay motivated. Remember: Your body is your temple.
A great affirmation for you to focus on is “I now easily plant positive seed thoughts in my mind, that fuel my emotional and spiritual well-being”
Have a look at this EFT
otional Freedom Technique) video that I posted a while back to help you neutralize any negativity you may be dealing with: v=P7kL6luD_aU
Check out my Webinar:
Get Past Jealousy,Resentment, Anger,Guilt and Shame!And I am still giving out my “friends and family discount” code!
Review my book!Find Your “Self-Culture”: Moving From Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance why not stop by and drop me a review and/or at and drop me a review . And if you haven’t picked up my book yet, now would be a great time! You can grab a copy on Amazon with a quick click here or on my website here!