Sometimes February is, well…challenging, to say the least!
As we head into the toughest time of winter season, it is really important to keep your mindset positive for this last leg of the dark months. The dry air from the blowing heaters wreak havoc on the skin and the lack of light can create seasonal affective moodiness. Be sure and bump up your water intake and find a natural cream to hydrate your skin. Also…….
Your temple needs care…

Supplements for Seasonal Depression:
- Fish Oil 2000-4000mg daily-Split the dose morning and evening with food (I like Omega Joy by Genuine Health)
- 5HTP 100 – 200 mg at night for sleep disturbances or in the morning for mood elevation (Cannot be taken if you are taking anti-depressants)
- Vitamin D Sunshine in a bottle! 1000-3000 IU daily
- Also, consider investing in a light box and spending 15 to 20 minutes daily with it during the fall and winter months.
More Tips
Monitor your internal self-talk. The way we talk to ourselves indicates how we feel about our environment and ourselves. Words have power! Talk to yourself with kindness and gentleness. Say “Correct and Cancel” when a negative thought comes into your mind and replace with a positive thought. Fill your own cup first and give to others from the overflow. Giving of yourself when you are depleted only causes more stress to you and others.
And then there’s Valentine’s Day! 
For some a scourge and for others an opportunity to dip into the romance rhealms.
This month I am doing a
FREE Webinar
11 am EST
on Feb 13, 2015
Dating in the Modern World: The Art of Navigating the Dating World in a Healthy and Empowered Way
Topics include:
- How to spot a commitment phobe
- When is it time to call it quits
- 5 steps to healthy lasting relationship
- Boundaries: Selfhood Savior
- Stop with the jealousy!
- Get in “right “relationship with self and life!
Register here: http://positivefabulouswomen.com/events/dating-in-the-modern-world/ |
Review my book!
Find Your “Self-Culture”: Moving From Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance
For the folks who have read my book, why not stop by Amazon.ca and drop me a review and/or at Amazon.com and drop me a review .
I’d appreciate your contribution. It would be great to hear from you!
And if you haven’t picked up my book yet, now would be a great time! You can grab a copy on Amazon with a quick click here or on my website here! |
Start meditating with my
Double Meditation CD Set!
Heal the Hurt Child
Manifest Your Heart’s Desire
Balance Your Chakras
This is my transformational book!
So excited to share that my book, Find Your “Self-Culture” is now available as an eBook as well as paper back!
