Happy May!
We made it!
The trees are really starting to become that amazing verdant green and the mood is light and promising.
As I dig into the writing of my second book about “Relationship-Culture” and all that it takes to engage in human connecting in a healthy way, it hits me deeply that we can only really be of service to others if we are committed to filling our own cups first and then give to others from the over flow we create. It is the best way to navigate relationships without resentment.
This is a moment in time in which the planet really needs us to embrace our real selves…our “Self-Culture” in a brave way. Only then can we operate in life from a place of choice and truth. I encourage everyone to commit to self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion even in the face of challenge and others’ opinions.

To help everyone with this, I am inviting you to join me at this
free talk I am giving at the Gilda’s club of Toronto on Monday May 25th from 6-8pm.
You just need to RSVP at rsvp@gildasclubtoronto.org or call 416 214 9898
More details are here on this flyer below… See you there!

Review my book!
Find Your “Self-Culture”: Moving From Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance
For the folks who have read my book, why not stop by Amazon.ca and drop me a review and/or at Amazon.com and drop me a review .
I’d appreciate your contribution. It would be great to hear from you!
And if you haven’t picked up my book yet, now would be a great time! You can grab a copy on Amazon with a quick click here or on my website here!
This is my transformational book!
So excited to share that my book, Find Your “Self-Culture” is now available as an eBook as well as paper back!
Start meditating with my
Double Meditation CD Set!
Heal the Hurt Child
Manifest Your Heart’s Desire
Balance Your Chakras
Sending everyone healthy May vibrations!
Blessings, ease
and overflowing joy to all!
Love and Light,