Books and CD
These resources are a way for you to deepen your knowledge in a very tangible way about how to really change your patterns, neural pathways and habits both in your personal life and in your relationships.
My 1st book is simply a tool rich journey for you to stop living the life you no longer want to live! Find your true self, your ‘self-culture” and the journey out of depression and anxiety really begins! Here is what Dini Petty says about my 2nd book: “This book would have made my journey shorter and easier. It will guide you through your family matrix, into dating in the modern world, how to spot relationship dysfunction from the start and finally lead you into healthy relationships and enduring marriages”.
My meditation cd was born out of my own frustrations on how to meditate! This cd set is a very user friendly tool to help you meditate through visual journeys and stunning music. It will calm your nervous system, help you sleep, get you clear on your goals and take you on a chakra balancing journey. IN JOY!
Rewire Your Relationship-Culture
This book is about becoming aware of what is not working with regard to what you inherited from your family-culture so that you can create a new, fully unique, personalized, choice-filled, healthy, mindful relationship-culture that you completely and consciously, bring into your adult relationships...
Find Your Self-Culture
There is a paradigm shift going on right now. It is beckoning you to awaken to the monumental real self within—your “Self-Culture”! If you have not yet found your self-culture—your authentic, instinctive self—you are not living the life the Universe intends for you, and you may be entrenched in a cycle of feeling unhappy, guilty, negative, trapped and anxious...

Heal Your Inner Hurt Child
with this Powerful Visual Journey Meditation.
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Finding your lost inner child is the key to transformation and healing at a core level.
Time to "re-parent" this child part of yours in a way that it has always longed to be parented.
This lost part of yourself, once found, can never be separated again.
This reconnection will soothe the mind, the emotions and the soul.