Transcribed from my video at

Meditation has so many benefits including focusing the mind, creating perspective and so much more. Visit my other website: and try a free guided meditation with my voice and beautiful music.

Today’s topic is an important one: the benefits of meditating. I want to encourage you to meditate, and here are the benefits: It creates focus in your mind. It helps to clear up the clutter of life. It helps to create perspective so you can get through life’s difficulties. There are some studies that show that when you are in a relaxation response versus a fight-or-flight response, you actually have a stronger immune system, so you’re able to fight off some of the bugs that you might come into contact with much more easily. Also, it is very important to have meditation as a way to become clear about what it is you want to manifest in your life. Don’t be too hard on yourself, not too perfectionistic. Gentle, gentle, gentle. There are many ways to meditate. A couple of my favourites: walking outside, an act of meditation, just communing with nature, taking in the elements, being very focused on your breathing and the steps you are taking, and paying attention to the present moment. Another one of my very favourites is just to lie down and listen to a guided meditation, someone else’s voice, taking you on a beautiful visual journey. I want to invite you to check out my other website, On my meditation page, there is a free guided meditation with beautiful music to take you on a visual journey that I have created. I want to remind you that meditating is very important, it continues to be, and I want to encourage you to do so. Remember to meditate!

Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, RPP, RPE
Holistic Psychotherapist
Masters in Educational Psychology
Canadian Certified Counsellor
Registered Polarity Practitioner
Registered Polarity Educator
Reiki Master
New Decision Therapy


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